Konkola Copper Mines PLC (KCM) and Mulonga Water Supply and Sanitation Company Limited (MWSC) have pledged to continue collaborating in their operations for mutual benefit as they endeavor to serve the community of Chingola and Chililabombwe.
Speaking during the handover of a payment of K23 million owed by KCM to MWSC, KCM Chief Operating Officer Malcolm Mewett said that KCM recognised the important role the water utility played in the community and that the mining firm will continue to collaborate in matters of interest.
And MWSC Managing Director Ndilakulampa Hamalambo said KCM was integral in the economy of the towns serviced by MWSC and a such the resumption of mining operations was a welcome development.
“The status of KCM is of interest to us, whatever happens to the mines affects the operations of MWSC and also affects the community we service,’’ he said.
“As you may be aware, apart from operating in Chingola, Mulonga Water operates in Mufulira, and Chililabombwe districts, and this money will benefit the communities in these areas to a greater extent, it will not resolve all the issues but will go a long way in helping stabilize our operations,” he said.