MWSC Integrity Committee has visited the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) to learn on how to promote competence and high integrity levels in Company operations.
The activity is in line with MWSC Strategic Business Plan objective, of meeting customer and stakeholder’s needs and the Core Value of integrity.
The team led by MWSC Integrity Committee Chairperson Yvonne Chisuku was benchmarking against better performing organizations and will spearhead efforts to ensure that integrity is linked to Company mandate.
And ZRA Integrity Committee Chairperson Ernest Sigande said that the Company valued interactions on integrity and corruption prevention measures.
He encouraged MWSC to adopt the integrity promotion framework of Prevention, Education and Enforcement to ensure that employees and the general public were aware of the need to maintain high levels of integrity.
He said this in remarks read for him by Monga Muumba who chaired the interactions.
MWSC promotes integrity in all its interactions and has policy documents to guide the conduct of employees in the course of their duty. The documents include Service Level Guarantee, Whistleblower policy and Gift & Benefits policy amongst others.