The Water Supply and Sanitation Act No. 28 of 1997 requires water supply and sanitation (WSS) service providers to ensure efficient, affordable and sustainable services within their service areas.
Therefore, The National Water Supply and Sanitation Council (NWASCO) requires WSS service providers to guarantee their customers a certain and defined level of service for a specified price, thus ensuring “value for money”, in a Service Level Guarantee (SLG).
The SLGs are scrutinised and approved by NWASCO and are required to be displayed at all customer service points for public and consumer reference. Customers may use these SLGs as a basis for airing their complaints.
NWASCO monitors the implementation and advancements of SLGs against formulated targets called Minimum Service Level (MSL) guidelines. MSLs are simply standards which define the acceptable minimum level of service which providers must achieve over a specified timeframe. Where the WSS service providers are not meeting the MSLs, they are required to propose three year progressive movements towards meeting the set targets in an agreement signed with NWASCO called a Service Level Agreement (SLA).
The Minimum Service Levels are measured by ten identified service indicators as indicated below:
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