Mulonga Water Supply and Sanitation Company Limited (MWSC) has been ranked ninth and recognized for best sanitation coverage in the 2023 NWASCO Sector Report.
And Water Development and Sanitation Minister Mike Mposha has assured Water Utilities that government was looking into the submissions on tariff reviews and a roadmap will be provided soon.
Speaking at the 2023 NWASCO Sector Report Launch recently, Hon Mposha acknowledged the challenges in the sector which had been brought about by the lack of tariff revisions to suit the current economic terrain.
“I have taken heed of the call to review tariffs, the matter is receiving adequate attention and will be concluded soon. It is governments wish for commercial utilities to be commercially viable and we have provided several frameworks among them the Non-Revenue Water Strategy which we expect to be implemented,” he said.
Meanwhile, MWSC Managing Director Ndilakulampa Hamalambo has called for employees to study the Sector Report and focus their efforts on improving in areas as highlighted in the Strategic Business Plan.
Mr. Hamalambo said that the NWASCO sector report was very important but needed to be used in good context and he reference a paragraph in the report stating, “It must be noted that a CU moving down in the ranking does not necessarily mean that it performed worse than previous period but it could also mean it was outperformed by others,”
He said that the Company had recorded improvements in seven of the nine key performance indicators and only hours of supply and staff efficiency had a downward trend.
Mr. Hamalambo urged all employees to ensure that they work hard to sustain the upward trends as well as help turnaround performance in the key areas of hours of supply, staff efficiency and collection efficiency.
He said that the Company had a Strategic Business Plan which had been cascaded into annual, quarterly and Performance Management Plans (PMS) and that every employee was expected to tap from these documents when planning their work.
Sothern Water Supply and Sanitation Company Limited were awarded the best performing Utility for 2023 followed by Eastern Water Supply and Sanitation Limited.